
Welcome to the honest tech blog:

My name is Dallas Womack and I go by the handle @LazyGamabunta, @LazyGama, or @LazyG if I really don’t want to type it out. I hope to be able to share my experience and growth in learning cyber security through CTF write-ups, blog posts about my journey, and resources that I have used to hone my skill as both a software engineer and cyber security enthusiast.


I am a 20-something-year-old, Sonoma State University alumni, currently open to work in the engineering or cyber security spaces. I have a passion for tinkering and building, an expansive curiosity, and a desire to grow. Learn more about me under the ABOUT tab, or check out my resume to learn more about my professional background.

A Journey into Cyber Security:

Learning cyber security has been a difficult and humbling experience. Often I wish that I had started earlier and that by now I would be more proficient, but that simply is not the case. I look at the mountain of learning I have ahead of myself sometimes discouraged, but remind myself that I would rather put in the work now and be successful down the road than never put in the work at all and be disappointed in the future.  Follow along with me as I learn and document my journey learning cyber security via honest written accounts of CTF challenges of all kinds.